Firim in Exile, Part 1

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Firim in Exile, Part 1.

Firim in Exile, Part 1 is a scroll found on the ground in the Great Veldt in Zereth Mortis.[35.72, 55.40]


Firim in Exile, Part 1

As my exile begins, I cannot help but think back on the events that led to our arrival.

They doubted me. Mocked me. Conspired to replace me. Yet just as they unsheathed their blades of doubt and skulked forward to strike me down, it happened.

The geometry revealed itself! The fractals aligned! At long last, I found the way to Zereth Mortis!

No other mind could conceive the formulae required to succeed. Portal after portal, tuned and re-tuned, stretching out and looping back upon themselves. No wonder so many before me had failed!

The fools among our expedition rushed to plunder the land's mysteries and paid the price for their folly. Did I not insist that the First Ones would not leave their secrets unguarded?

The survivors learned their lesson and heeded my warnings.

We found a safe foothold. A haven from which our work began.

But our fragile harmony would not endure.

Criteria of

Patch changes

See also

  1.  [Firim in Exile, Part 1]
  2.  [Firim in Exile, Part 2]
  3.  [Firim in Exile, Part 3]
  4.  [Firim in Exile, Part 4]
  5.  [Firim in Exile, Part 5]
  6.  [Firim in Exile, Part 6]
  7.  [Firim in Exile, Part 7]
  8.  [Firim in Exile, Epilogue]

External links

Item Object