Firelord's Vestments

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Firelord's Vestments

Firelord's Vestments is the tier 11 mage set.


The Firelord's Vestments items are sold by Horde Jamus'Vaz <Valor Quartermaster> in Orgrimmar and Alliance Faldren Tillsdale <Valor Quartermaster> in Stormwind City. They are purchased with gold and Tokens of the Forlorn Vanquisher .

Slot Cost
Normal Heroic
Head 86g 90s 5c  [Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher]
Hands 159g 1s  [Gauntlets of the Forlorn Vanquisher]
Legs 313g 80s  [Leggings of the Forlorn Vanquisher]
Shoulders 85g 91s 6c  [Shoulders of the Forlorn Vanquisher]
Chest 312g 63s  [Chest of the Forlorn Vanquisher]


Firelord's Vestments
Firelord's Vestments


Patch changes

Other versions

External links