Field Marshal Afrasiabi

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AllianceField Marshal Afrasiabi
Image of Field Marshal Afrasiabi
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Occupation Field Marshal
Location Valley of Heroes, Stormwind City[71.2, 80.6]
Status Unknown

Field Marshal Afrasiabi was a human field marshal located in the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind City. He was a ranking member of the Stormwind Army and was the quest-end NPC for the  [Head of Nefarian], after speaking to Varian Wrynn in Stormwind Keep. He could be found standing under an arch, not far to the right of General Hammond Clay.

During the Remembrance Day shortly after the Cataclysm, it was Afrasiabi's honor as a field marshal to introduce king Wrynn to begin his speech but the king was missing. Afrasiabi had to delay the crowd by speaking about what he knew the best - steam-engine siege tactics.[1]




Move along, citizen. There is nothing to see here.

Main article: The Lord of Blackrock (Alliance) (2)#Notes
Main article: Forged Documents (Alliance)#Notes

Notes and trivia

  • Afrasiabi did not like it when plans go off track. One of his favorite topics was the fascinating history, and little-known nuisances, of steam-engine siege tactics... which is apparently unbelievably boring.[1]
  • He was named after Blizzard game designer Alex Afrasiabi.
  • He held the same rank and originally served the same single purpose as Varok Saurfang (ending the quest from Nefarian's head), although the latter's popularity and thus function and lore has since expanded greatly.

Patch changes

See also


External links

es:Mariscal de campo Afrasiabi