Remembrance Day

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Not to be confused with the Remembrance, a high elf holiday.
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Remembrance Day is a yearly holiday celebrated by the Alliance to honor the great heroes of the past. Remembrance Day is part memorial, part celebration. Stormwind honors those who gave their lives for their people and the Alliance. Heroes such as Uther the Lightbringer and Anduin Lothar are fan favorites.

People would congregate in the streets, wave flags and streamers in the air, children dressed as their favorite heroes of old, and food and mead flowed with laughter. At the same time, Stormwind Harbor is always full of hulls in every color, shape, and size, as the Remembrance Day always brought a host of pilgrims to honor and celebrate humanity's heroes.

Each year during the closing ceremony, the King of Stormwind makes a speech to all the people gathered at the Valley of Heroes, in order to honor the heroes who have fallen and to wish for a better future.

The traditional greeting of the holiday is "Remember Well".[1]

See also
