Eyes of the Master

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KyrianEyes of the Master
Start Kleia [60.3, 60.8]
End Kleia [56.4, 41.5]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 11,800
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60] Assistance from Sinfall
Next N [60] Collecting Dust, N [60] Shards of the Countess


Kill Evaala the All-Seeing, Guardian Mastrus, and Keraal the Ripper in the Chalice District.


I worry about entering the city. I'm sure you have noticed how well we... stand out here.

Denathrius's loyalists have eyes everywhere, and no more dedicated soldiers than the stoneborn.

Their eyes and ears watch over the Chalice District. Take out their leaders so none can report our presence here before we acquire the seal.


You will receive:


The stoneborn forces can never be truly defeated, but they can be quelled for a time.


This city makes my skin crawl. I feel like I am constantly being watched, that people are whispering behind my back.

Taking out the stoneborn leaders should slow the flow of information back to Denathrius's loyalists.


On accept of both:

The Curator says: The Countess surely knows poor Alwin's fate. If we can find her sinstone, it will be the leverage we need for her to assist in your search.
Pelagos says: I have an idea to help myself blend in. I will meet you in the Chalice District.
Kleia says: Pelagos! <sigh.> Keep an eye out for him, <name>. I'll scout from above.
The three separate.

Cross the bridge west, then north to enter the open-world Castle Nathria. Upon entering the Chalice District, Pelagos runs up to the player, with some Chalice Dredgers in tow:

Pelagos says: Thank the Archon, <name>! I... could use some aid.

He starts N [60] Gothic Fashion. Pick it up before going further.

Evaala is just to the right of the entry road:


Evaala the All-Seeing says: You reek of kyrian filth.


Evaala the All-Seeing says: My eyes may close, but more take my place...

Keraal the Ripper is to the southwest.

Guardian Mastrus is inside a house to the northeast:

Guardian Mastrus says: You dare step foot in Revendreth?

Defeat him:

Guardian Mastrus says: You possess more strength than I imagined...

After completing the objectives of all three quests, head to the top of the walls to find the three quest givers inside a tower overlooking the Redelav District:

The Curator says: I did some digging myself. It seems the Countess keeps her sinstone locked away in a crypt, the keys spread amongst nobility as a sign of favor.
Kleia says: Hopefully our friend has found a clue to who may hold these keys, then.


  1. N [60] Assistance from Sinfall
  2. N [60] Overhead Intelligence, N [60] Eyes of the Master, N [60] Gothic Fashion
  3. N [60] Collecting Dust, N [60] Shards of the Countess
  4. N [60] Through Glass
  5. N [60] Sins of the Past
  6. N [60] Land of Light
  7. N [60] Skulking in the Darkness, N [60] Light Respite, N [60] Actions Speak Louder than Words
  8. N [60] The Folly of Envy
  9. N [60] Parting Words
  10. N [60] The Seal of Contrition

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