The Folly of Envy

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KyrianThe Folly of Envy
Start Mindscorched Alwin [40.0, 59.0]
End Kleia [39.9, 59.0]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 11,800
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60] Skulking in the Darkness, N [60] Light Respite, N [60] Actions Speak Louder than Words
Next N [60] Parting Words


Duke Vielle
In a bout for power, Duke Vielle stole the Seal of Contrition from Alwin's grasp.

Kill Duke Vielle and retrieve the Seal of Contrition.


<Alwin points at a venthyr on the ledge above.

He lets out a slight, low rumble.>


You will receive:


Alwin has brought us far. We must retrieve the Seal!


Could it really be? The object of our long search...


On accept:

Kleia says: We are with you to the end!

Immediately to the south up the stairs.

Aggro him:

Duke Vielle says: With the power of the Seal I shall control the entirety of the Ember Ward. You can never defeat me!

Defeat him:

Duke Vielle says: I perish with my sins... on my path to glory...
Kleia says: Finally! The Seal is within our grasp.

The seal is floating above the altar behind the Duke.


  1. N [60] Assistance from Sinfall
  2. N [60] Overhead Intelligence, N [60] Eyes of the Master, N [60] Gothic Fashion
  3. N [60] Collecting Dust, N [60] Shards of the Countess
  4. N [60] Through Glass
  5. N [60] Sins of the Past
  6. N [60] Land of Light
  7. N [60] Skulking in the Darkness, N [60] Light Respite, N [60] Actions Speak Louder than Words
  8. N [60] The Folly of Envy
  9. N [60] Parting Words
  10. N [60] The Seal of Contrition

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