Expedition Effervesta

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NeutralExpedition Effervesta
Start Aurantia [54.6, 54.7]
End Aurantia [58.0, 54.2]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Zaralek Cavern
Experience 47,600
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] A Bitter Pill to Swallow
Next N [70] Suss Out the Imposter
The scent trail in Loamm


Search for clues about Effervesta's whereabouts in Zaralek Cavern.


My daughter's gone missing--we have to find her!

As High Redolence, I may be the next target. <Name>, will you come with me?

I can still smell her, faintly. She has to still be in Loamm somewhere.

We have to hurry!


You will receive:


Look, there's a cave up ahead! That must be where she is.


On accept:

Aurantia says: Wait, <name>. In order to find her, you'll need to see like a niffen.
Aurantia says: Good! Look, there's a scent trail over there. Let's follow it!
Cinnam says: I'm going to make sure the swallows are safe! And make sure Nevroll hasn't come back...

A green scent trail lights up as Aurantia joins the party. Follow it to Myrrit's postion, where  [Effervesta's Scent Journal] is on the ground:

Aurantia says: Effie's scent journal?! She never goes anywhere without that.

Follow the scent trail east to find Miss Smelly, a stuffed duck:

Aurantia says: No... it can't be. Miss Smelly??
Aurantia says: This was her favorite toy when she was small. It was given to her by an old friend. She still carries it with her everywhere she goes!

The trail turns north, and Effervesta's Trusty Pickaxe lies discarded:

Aurantia says: Effie's pickaxe?! She's in trouble, <name>!


  1. N [70] A Swallow's Tale
  2. N [70] Flown the Coop & N [70] A Bitter Pill to Swallow
  3. N [70] Expedition Effervesta
  4. N [70] Suss Out the Imposter
  5. N [70] Best Friends
  6. N [70] The Heavy Crown
  7. N [70] Old Friends, Dear Friends

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