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Through the Front Door

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HordeThrough the Front Door

Rexxar and Valtrois
Start Nathanos Blightcaller
End Nathanos Blightcaller
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Horde War Campaign
Experience 22,300
Reputation +2,000 The Honorbound
Rewards (750x [Azerite]), Azerite class armor
46g 80s
Previous H [60] Catching a Ride
Next H [60] War Is Here


Complete "Escape from Tol Dagor".


We would like the least amount of risk during your retrieval of Priscilla Ashvane.

You will arrive on the docks during a shift change. From there, you will prepare and enter the prison.

Find me in Zuldazar when you are successful.


You will receive:

You will be able to choose from:



May I assume the delivery was a success?


Your success bodes well for our future endeavors.

Criteria of


Speaking with Nathanos

Are you ready to depart?

Gossip Ready.

Scenario: Escape from Tol Dagor

Stage 1 – Deliver the Prisoner

  • Delivering such a valuable prisoner will open many doors.
  • Speak to Warden Amical
Arcanist Valtrois says: Quickly! Gather around. I will create the disguise.
The Becoming Proudmoore buff is applied.
Arcanist Valtrois says: Even my magic is not potent enough to cover up that smell.
Rexxar is on a horse. Then dragged by Valtrois to the warden.
Interacting with the warden
Oh ho! What have we here?
Gossip Delivering a prisoner.
Warden Amical says: We've been huntin' for this one. A prize indeed!
Arcanist Valtrois says: Officer! This is the infamous Horde criminal Rexxar. He belongs in the deepest, darkest corner of this dungeon!
Rexxar says: Hmph. You are taking this a bit far.
Warden Amical says: Watch that jawin' back there, prisoner!
Warden Amical says: We'll take ya to the brig. You're on your own from there.
Warden Amical says: Maybe afterwards, we'll give ya a proper tour. It's a lovely place!
Proudmoore Defender says: Proudmoore's finest, at your service.

Stage 2 – The Way In

  • Give the guards a reason to leave, then take the Master Key.
  • Send the guards away
  • Take the  [Master Key]
Interacting with the Proudmoore soldiers
What can I do for you?
Gossip The warden needs you right away! Better get going!

Stage 3 – Release Priscilla Ashvane

Arcanist Valtrois says: Proceed, prisoner.
Rexxar says: This one.
Arcanist Valtrois says: Ashvane is here.

Stage 4 – Create a Distraction

Priscilla Ashvane says: I told you before, you will get nothing from... Hmm, what have we here?
Arcanist Valtrois says: It seems the time for subtlety has passed.
The disguise is removed.
Rexxar says: You are to come with us, Ashvane.
Priscilla Ashvane says: Release my men. They should prove quite adept at keeping the guards occupied.
Rexxar says: Let the hunt begin!
Rexxar yells: Look out! The prisoner has broken free!

Stage 5 – Escape the Prison

  • Plant explosives in the drain to block your escape.
  • Set explosives in the drain
  • Escape through the drain

Arcanist Valtrois|Time for us to go!

Arcanist Valtrois says: Place the explosives. When we are through, my magic will ignite them.
Rexxar yells: Move out!
Rexxar says: Valtrois--light them up.
Arcanist Valtrois says: I suggest you move away from the wall. It is about to get considerably hotter.

Stage 6 – The Last Stand

  • Warden Amical and his soldiers are the last obstruction. Once they are defeated, the path to freedom is clear.
  • Kill Warden Amical
Rexxar says: Here they come.
Rexxar says: We have to clear the path.
Warden Amical yells: You ain't leavin' my island with that foul wench!
Warden Amical says: For... Proudmoore...

Final Stage – Get to the Ship

  • The Dark Lady awaits her prize.
  • Ashvane delivered
Arcanist Valtrois says: That ship is... quite something.
A scene plays.
Priscilla Ashvane says: You only broke me out of that cell because you need something from me.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Very perceptive, Lady Ashvane. I believe we have... mutual interests to discuss.
Rexxar says: Seems we need to find our own way back.
Arcanist Valtrois says: Such is the way of things.
Arcanist Valtrois says: This war has taken many turns. It seems to me our current path is... perilous.
Rexxar says: Indeed, my friend. The Horde is at a crossroads... once again.


  1. H [60] Breaking Out Ashvane
  2. H [60] Face Your Enemy, H [60] Be More Uniform & H [60] A Brilliant Distraction
  3. H [60] Catching a Ride
  4. H [60] Through the Front Door

Patch changes

External links

Quest Scenario