Engineer Pa'Par

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NeutralEngineer Pa'Par
Image of Engineer Pa'Par
Gender Female
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Occupation Engineer
Location Gelikyr Post, Thaldraszus
Status Alive

Engineer Pa'Par is a jungle troll located at Gelikyr Post in Thaldraszus. She is found with Surveyor Kairott and Architect Oneyun upstairs in the inn.


Surveyor Kairott says: You think the Bronzes will let us into the Temporal Conflux?
Engineer Pa'Par says: Unless one of da aspects flies us in herself, not a chance. Couldn't even reach it without a pair of wings an' all!
Architect Oneyun says: I've been to the Caverns of Time, you know! Visited my cousin Galgrom and his shop down there.
Architect Oneyun says: Honestly, the place is full of nonsense. Stars and planets on the inside, windows to old Human wars, dragons disguised as little kids playing games.
Engineer Pa'Par says: Waste of time.
Surveyor Kairott says: Fascinating!

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