Elementalist Janai

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NeutralElementalist Janai
Image of Elementalist Janai
Title <Earthen Ring>
Gender Female
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Class Shaman
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Earthen Ring
Occupation Elementalist
Location Various
Status Alive

Elementalist Janai is a draenei shaman located in the Storm's Eye Overlook in the Heart of Azeroth.

Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

She attended the Tishamaat in the Exodar and could be seen with other shaman in the Trader's Tier.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Storm's Eye Overlook, Heart of Azeroth 10-45 Alliance Horde
Trader's Tier, Exodar[55.63, 84.92] 52-72 Alliance During the Heritage of the Draenei.




The Maelstrom pillar's power was exhausted during our defense of the Heart of Azeroth. The pillar will recharge slowly, but this process could take decades and we have no such luxury. We need to find a way to accelerate its regeneration.

Later gossip

I couldn't be more pleased, Farseer. It has taken quite a lot of work to restore the the[sic] maelstrom pillar to its maximum capabilities, but it was well worth the effort.

Go ahead and try it yourself - the stone conducts the elements in powerful ways!

Patch changes

External links

Heart of Azeroth Exodar