Elemental Influence

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NeutralElemental Influence
Start Garz [63.5, 53.0]
End Narn [60.9, 50.6]
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 7,850
Reputation +200 Winterpelt Furbolg
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Shareable Yes
Previous N [65-68] Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies
Next N [65-68] His Stone Heart


Destroy 3 Primalist Earthbind Totems, then meet Narn further in Rustpine Den.

  • Primalist Earthbind Totems destroyed (3)
  • Meet Narn in Rustpine Den.


Narn says not all the Rustpines followed Stoneheart or the Primalists.

Some resisters are held against their will. Totems spewing rock and mud restrain them... to force them to obey.

Shatter the totems. Set them free!


You will receive:


My friends do not deserve this fate.


I will never forgive the Primalists for making our clan suffer.


On accept of all three:

Garz says: Find Narn when you have done what I asked.
Garz says: Do not worry.
Garz says: He can fend for himself.

Free Rustpine Resisters by interacting with Primalist earthbind totems:

  • Rustpine Resister says: My will to fight was slipping away!
  • Rustpine Resister says: I could not resist much longer...

On completion of all three:

Radza Thunderclaw says: Is that Garz?
Garz jumps to Narn.
Narn says: Your little <class> friend has done well, Garz.
Radza Thunderclaw says: They fight like a furbolg: tooth and claw.
Radza Thunderclaw says: But now... will they claw out our clan's heart to save its spirit?


  1. N [65-68] Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies
  2. N [65-68] Former Furbolg Family, N [65-68] Elemental Influence, N [65-68] Rescuing Radza
  3. N [65-68] His Stone Heart
  4. N [65-68] Nowhere to Go
  5. N [65-68] What of the Winterpelt Clan?

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