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For the Day of the Dragon character, see Narn (dwarf).
Image of Narn
Gender Male
Race Furbolg (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rustpine clan
Location Rustpine Den & Camp Nowhere, Azure Span
Status Alive
Relative(s) Garz (brother)

Narn is a Rustpine furbolg located in the Azure Span.



Gossip inside Rustpine Den

I'm fine, <name>. And Radza lives!

I tried to reason with Stoneheart but... our chieftain is gone.

Gossip in Camp Nowhere

These children...

They remind me of... home.

Gossip at Winterpelt Hollow

Maybe this can be our new home.

I can't understand anything they say, but that doesn't mean we can't communicate!

I think this Winterpelt's name is Erna. She asks a lot of questions. I'm just going to smile and nod.

Main article: Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies#Notes
Main article: Former Furbolg Family#Notes
Main article: His Stone Heart#Notes
Main article: Nowhere to Go#Notes

Patch changes

External links