Rescuing Radza

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NeutralRescuing Radza
Start Garz [63.5, 53.0]
End Radza Thunderclaw [60.9, 50.5]
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 7,850
Reputation +200 Winterpelt Furbolg
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Previous N [65-68] Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies
Next N [65-68] His Stone Heart


Rescue Radza Thunderclaw.


Radza Thunderclaw is our Spiritkeeper. She holds true our traditions and history.

Primalist beliefs go against everything our clan holds true. I knew she would defy Stoneheart!

Stoneheart will do anything to bring her to heel. No one is chieftain without Radza's blessing!

Narn says Khargall Fivefangs, the Chieftain's guard, is trying to break her. If Radza dies, our clan dies with her.

Go aid her, <name>, and be ready. He will not let her go without a fight.


You will receive:


So many of my clan have fallen in battle with their brothers and sisters... all for the promise of power.

<Radza utters a guttural growl which fades into a long, mournful whisper.>


On accept of all three:

Garz says: Find Narn when you have done what I asked.
Garz says: Do not worry.
Garz says: He can fend for himself.

Find Radza at [60.98, 51.40], held by a Rustpine Loamcrafter:

Rustpine Loamcrafter says: Join us, Radza, or suffer forever!

Speak with Radza after defeating the Loamcrafter:

The soul of the earth... I hear it!
No! It is... Primalist trickery... I must... resist.
Huh? Who are you? Did Garz send you?
Leave me! If my kin find you here...
Gossip I am prepared to fight off your captors.
Radza Thunderclaw says: They're coming!

The attacking waves count for Former Furbolg Family, so make sure to leave some room in the quota! A Rustpine Loamcrafter and two Stonegrabber Fragments attack, followed by two Rustpine Ragers, then finally Khargall Fivefangs:

Khargall Fivefangs says: Radza belongs with us!
Khargall Fivefangs says: Radza... the power... why can you not see?
Radza Thunderclaw says: Karghall... my old friend. How far you have fallen.
Radza Thunderclaw says: How I wish it were not so.
Upon completion of all three
Radza Thunderclaw says: Is that Garz?
Garz jumps to Narn.
Narn says: Your little <class> friend has done well, Garz.
Radza Thunderclaw says: They fight like a furbolg: tooth and claw.
Radza Thunderclaw says: But now... will they claw out our clan's heart to save its spirit?


  1. N [65-68] Broken Traditions, Broken Bodies
  2. N [65-68] Former Furbolg Family, N [65-68] Elemental Influence, N [65-68] Rescuing Radza
  3. N [65-68] His Stone Heart
  4. N [65-68] Nowhere to Go
  5. N [65-68] What of the Winterpelt Clan?

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