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Elder Unujaak

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NeutralElder Unujaak
Image of Elder Unujaak
Gender Male
Race Tuskarr (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Uktulut tribe
Location Uktulut Backwater, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Elder Unujaak is a tuskarr located at Uktulut Backwater in the Waking Shores.



Main article: Worst Impressions#Notes
Main article: Troubled Waters#Notes
Main article: Closure#Notes
Main article: In Mourning#Notes



Respect us and we will respect you in turn.

After Troubled Waters

Although we are slow to trust, you do have my gratitude for what you have done.

You must understand that our people are scared and uncertain. Their wariness is not hatred.

After all, a stew takes hours to cook but seconds to spill.

During and after N [70] Closure

I knew what happened to the ottuks, but I did not know it had cut Tutaqan so deeply. He never spoke of it. I thought perhaps he had withdrawn because--

No. Of course that had been the reason. We assumed each other's strength and it blinded us.

During Calling the Hunting Party

One should not measure the tide before the flood.

We will need our Chieftain's discretion now more than ever.

After N [70] While the Iron Is Hot

This will make an excellent story at the next feast!

One we would not be able to have if not for your deeds, <name>.

Patch changes

External links