Earthen Ring Geomancer

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NeutralEarthen Ring Geomancer

Earthen Ring Geomancer.jpg

Earthen Ring Geomancer (pandaren).jpg

Gender Both
Race(s) Draenei, Tauren, Pandaren, Jungle troll, Orc (Humanoid)
Level 45
Class Shaman
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Earthen Ring, Armies of Legionfall
Occupation Geomancer
Location Heart of Azeroth; Stormheim; Deliverance Point, Broken Shore
Status Alive

Earthen Ring Geomancers are shaman located in the Heart of Azeroth and later in Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore.

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

They were present in the Maelstrom when it was invaded by Azerite elementals. Three of them were restraining an Azerite Giant.


  • Spell fire flameshock.png Flame Shock — Instantly burns an enemy, then inflicts additional Fire damage every 3 sec. for 12 sec.
  • Spell nature lightning.png Lightning Bolt — Blasts an enemy with lightning, inflicting Nature damage.


Main article: Defending the Maelstrom#Notes


Patch changes

See also

External links