Dungeon daily quests

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  • All quests in the same line share the same the reset time and only one can be done per day.
  • The quest in the line can be at your choice or is shared by everyone on the server, or both.
  • Unless stated otherwise by the line's notes.


Dungeon Daily Quests
Type Name Added Requirement Notes
Shadow Labyrinth
Black Morass
Shattered Halls
Magisters' Terrace
N [25-30] WANTED: Arcatraz Sentinels
N [20-30] WANTED: Coilfang Myrmidons
N [20-30] WANTED: Malicious Instructors
N [25-30] WANTED: Rift Lords
N [20-30] WANTED: Shattered Hand Centurions
N [25-30] WANTED: Sisters of Torment
N [20-30] WANTED: Sunseeker Channelers
N [20-30] WANTED: Tempest-Forge Destroyers
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Hellfire Ramparts
Blood Furnace
Shattered Halls
Slave Pens
Sethekk Halls
Auchenai Crypts
Shadow Labyrinth
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Black Morass
Magisters' Terrace
N [30] WANTED: Nazan's Riding Crop
N [30] WANTED: Keli'dan's Feathered Stave
N [30] WANTED: Bladefist's Seal
N [30] WANTED: The Heart of Quagmirran
N [30] WANTED: A Black Stalker Egg
N [30] WANTED: The Warlord's Treatise
N [30] WANTED: The Headfeathers of Ikiss
N [30] WANTED: Shaffar's Wondrous Pendant
N [30] WANTED: The Exarch's Soul Gem
N [30] WANTED: Murmur's Whisper
N [30] WANTED: The Epoch Hunter's Head
N [30] WANTED: Aeonus's Hourglass
N [30] WANTED: A Warp Splinter Clipping
N [30] WANTED: Pathaleon's Projector
N [30] WANTED: The Scroll of Skyriss
N [30] WANTED: The Signet Ring of Prince Kael'thas
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Culling of Stratholme
Halls of Lightning
Utgarde Pinnacle
N [80] Timear Foresees Centrifuge Constructs in your Future!
N [80] Timear Foresees Infinite Agents in your Future!
N [80] Timear Foresees Titanium Vanguards in your Future!
N [80] Timear Foresees Ymirjar Berserkers in your Future!
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Trial of the Champion
The Violet Hold
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Utgarde Keep
The Nexus
Utgarde Pinnacle
The Oculus
Halls of Lightning
Culling of Stratholme
Drak'Tharon Keep
Halls of Stone
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Anub'arak
N [80H] Proof of Demise: The Black Knight
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Cyanigosa
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Gal'darah
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Herald Volazj
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Ingvar the Plunderer
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Keristrasza
N [80H] Proof of Demise: King Ymiron
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Ley-Guardian Eregos
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Loken
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Mal'Ganis
N [80H] Proof of Demise: The Prophet Tharon'ja
N [80H] Proof of Demise: Sjonnir The Ironshaper
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See also