Profession daily quests

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Daily quests

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Pet Battle
Seasonal event


  • All quests in the same line share the same the reset time and only one can be done per day.
  • The quest in the line can be at your choice or is shared by everyone on the server, or both.
  • Unless stated otherwise by the line's notes.


Profession daily quests
Prof Name
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Big Gulp
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Cold Water Fishing
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] A Slippery Snack
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Diggin' For Worms
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Fish fer Squrky
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] An Old Favorite
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Hitting a Walleye
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Live Bait
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Happy as a Clam Digger
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Rock Lobster
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] One fer the Ages
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Stocking Up
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Thunder Falls
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] The Gnomish Bait-o-Matic
A Fishing [10-70 Daily] The Sister's Pendant
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] A Furious Catch
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Fish Head
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Craving Crayfish
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] A Golden Opportunity
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Like Pike?
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Pond Predators
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] A Staggering Effort
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Moat Monster!
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Shiny Baubles
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Clammy Hands
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Tadpole Terror
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] The Race to Restock
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] No Dumping Allowed
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Time for Slime
H Fishing [10-70 Daily] The Ring's the Thing
Bc icon.gif
N Fishing [30 Daily] Shrimpin' Ain't Easy
N Fishing [30 Daily] Bait Bandits
N Fishing [30 Daily] The One That Got Away
N Fishing [30 Daily] Felblood Fillet
N Fishing [30 Daily] Crocolisks in the City
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Blood is Thicker
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Dangerously Delicious
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] The Ghostfish
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Jewel Of The Sewers
N Fishing [80 Daily] Monsterbelly Appetite
Mists of Pandaria
N Cooking [35 Daily] Noodle Time
N Cooking [35 Daily] Noodle Time: Bonus
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Careful, This Fruit Bites Back
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Crawfish Creole
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Even Thieves Get Hungry
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Everything Is Better with Bacon
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Stealing From Our Own
H IconSmall Troll Male.gifIconSmall Troll Female.gif Cooking [10-70 Daily] Stealing From Our Own
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] "Magic" Mushrooms
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Corn Mash
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Mulgore Spice Bread
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Perfectly Picked Portions
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Pining for Nuts
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Escargot A Go-Go
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Fungus Among Us
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Lily, Oh Lily
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Roach Coach
H Cooking [10-70 Daily] Would You Like Some Flies With That?
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] A Fisherman's Feast
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Feeling Crabby?
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Orphans Like Cookies Too!
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Penny's Pumpkin Pancakes
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] The King's Cider
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] A Fowl Shortage
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] A Round for the Guards
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Can't Get Enough Spice Bread
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] I Need to Cask a Favor
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Keepin' the Haggis Flowin'
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Back to Basics
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Remembering the Ancestors
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Ribs for the Sentinels
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Spice Bread Aplenty
A Cooking [10-70 Daily] The Secret to Perfect Kimchi
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Infused Mushroom Meatloaf
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Sewer Stew
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Mustard Dogs!
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Convention at the Legerdemain
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Cheese for Glowergold
Bc icon.gif
N Cooking [30 Daily] Manalicious
N Cooking [30 Daily] Revenge is Tasty
N Cooking [30 Daily] Soup for the Soul
N Cooking [30 Daily] Super Hot Stew
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] A Present for Lila
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] Elemental Goo
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] Nibbler! No!
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] Ogrezonians in the Mood
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] The Latest Fashion!
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Bright Armor Relic
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Glowing Ivory Figurine
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Intricate Bone Figurine
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch
Mists of Pandaria
N [30-35 Daily] Uncovering the Past
N [30-35 Daily] Research Project: The Mogu Dynasties

See also