Draenic Seeds

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Draenic Seeds can be found when picking herbs around Draenor and in the Garrison herb garden, and are used for work orders at the garden for Draenic herbs.

Currency for

Naron Bloomthistle/Tarnon exchange seeds to buy:

Inv misc 1h farmhoe a 01.png [Garden Hoe]
2500g 500 Draenic Seeds
Inv misc 1h farmsickle a 01.png [Garden Sickle]
2500g 500 Draenic Seeds
Inv misc 2h farmscythe a 01.png [Garden Scythe]
5000g 1,000 Draenic Seeds
Inv misc 2h farmpitchfork a 01.png [Garden Pitchfork]
5000g 1,000 Draenic Seeds
Inv misc 2h farmshovel a 01.png [Garden Shovel]
5000g 1,000 Draenic Seeds
Inv misc food 54.png [Crazy Carrot]
1,000 Draenic Seeds

Criteria of

Patch changes

External links