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Dereliction of Duty

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NeutralDereliction of Duty
Start Endiri Dawnsurge
End Shinda Creedpike
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 11,150
Rewards 23g 40s
Next N [75-78] Fishing is Good for the Soul


Find Shinda Creedpike at Mereldar in Hallowfall.

  • Talk to Shinda Creedpike


A moment, if you have one.

One of my lieutenants, Shinda Creedpike, did not report in at first bonfire. That may not seem like a large issue to you, but the Arathi in Hallowfall survive only because we follow orders and stand for our brethren.

I am not cruel. I do not want to punish a man for his weakness in this terrible environment. Can you find him and bring him back?

Take all the time you need.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,150 XP


Dawnsurge must have sent you.

It seems like my respite is over.


You're speaking my language, <name>. Plans give me structure and a goal to achieve.

Let me think about the optimal way to relax.


Upon accept:

Endiri Dawnsurge says: I see glimpses of the warning signs in Shinda, when I have time to pay attention. There is a listlessness in the eyes. Snippiness. He is fragile, now.
Endiri Dawnsurge says: Even the best of us would falter under these circumstances. And they have.

Speak with Shinda who can be found at the Church of the Scared Flame:

May Beledar give us all succor.

...Light knows I need it.

Gossip (Quest) Are you Shinda Creedpike?

Yes. I am Shinda, lieutenant of the Arathi army and devoted son of the sacred flame.

I imagine Dawnsurge asked you to find me.

Gossip (Quest) Why didn't you show up to your shift?

I can't remember the last time I felt at peace. For that matter, I can't remember the last time I slept a full night.

Dawnsurge gave us all a day of relaxation yesterday, and I couldn't think of a reason to do anything. Why should I, when the burden remains just as heavy for the next day?

It has been years, <name>.

...I do not know how much longer I can stand this.

Gossip (Quest) I'm sorry.

Thank you.

<Shinda smiles, though the expression doesn't reach his eyes.>

I wish I knew how to get past this to be a good soldier again.

Gossip (Quest) Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself time.

Perhaps you are right, <name>. Thank you.

Gossip (Quest) Think of the Light.

Thank you for your concern, <name>. Perhaps I could lean on you to find a way through this difficult time.

Gossip (Quest) And you call yourself a paladin, with all this whining.


Gossip (Quest) I sympathize. I've endured difficult times over the years.

You understand. How did you survive those times?
(same as above)

Gossip (Quest) Think of your friends. They're worried about you.

I've noticed them worrying. I know I'm letting them down by not getting better.
(same as above)

Gossip (Quest) Stand up and fight. You call yourself a soldier?

Everyone has a breaking point, <name>. I pray you do not ever reach yours.

Gossip (Skip Conversation) I don't have time for this. (at any point in the conversation you can pick this option)


  1. N [75-78] Dereliction of Duty
  2. N [75-78] Fishing is Good for the Soul
  3. N [75-78] Burnout

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