Dealer Hazzin

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NeutralDealer Hazzin
Image of Dealer Hazzin
Title <General Provisioner>
Gender Male
Race Ethereal (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Consortium
Location Protectorate Watch Post, Netherstorm[58, 31]
Status Alive

Dealer Hazzin is an ethereal general goods and reagent vendor located at the Protectorate Watch Post in the Netherstorm. In actuality, he is an agent that personally works for Nexus-Prince Haramad.


Item Cost Type
General goods
5x  [Refreshing Spring Water] 5c Drink
5x  [Filtered Draenic Water] 56s Drink
5x  [Mag'har Grainbread] 56s Bread
 [Simple Wood] 38c Crafting reagent
Item Cost Type
 [Huge Brown Sack] 10g 12 slot
 [Draenic Leather Pack] 12g 14 slot
Inv misc gem variety 02.png [Bright Baubles]
2s 50c
Inv alchemy leadedvial.png [Crystal Vial]
Inv box 02.png [Jeweler's Toolset]
Inv inscription papyrus.png [Light Parchment]
Inv potion 54.png [Major Healing Potion]
Inv potion 76.png [Major Mana Potion]
Spell shadow antimagicshell.png [Rune Thread] Inv scroll 02.png [Scroll of Agility III]
Inv scroll 01.png 2x [Scroll of Intellect IV]
Inv scroll 07.png 2x [Scroll of Stamina IV]
Inv scroll 02.png [Scroll of Strength III]
Inv scroll 01.png [Scroll of Versatility IV]
Inv misc dust 02.png 2x [Vanishing Powder]
4s 40c
Inv misc enggizmos 19.png 2x [Virtuoso Inking Set]

Bc icon.gif The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.1 but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.

Item Cost
 [Accurate Slugs] 8s 50c
 [Ankh] 17s
 [Arcane Powder] 8s 50c
 [Blackflight Arrow] 25s 50c
 [Blacksteel Throwing Dagger] 6s 80c
 [Demonic Figurine] 85s
 [Flint and Tinder] 1s 15c
 [Flintweed Seed] 42s 50c
 [Holy Candle] 5s 95c
 [Hornbeam Seed] 11s 90c
 [Imbued Vial] 1g 70s
 [Impact Shot] 13s 60c
 [Infernal Stone] 42s 50c
 [Ironbite Shell] 25s 50c
 [Ironwood Seed] 17s
 [Jagged Arrow] 8s 50c
 [Jagged Throwing Axe] 6s 80c
 [Rune of Portals] 17s
 [Rune of Teleportation] 8s 50c
 [Sacred Candle] 8s 50c
 [Scroll of Spirit IV] 5s 50c
 [Soothing Spices] 1s 36c
 [Symbol of Divinity] 17s
 [Symbol of Kings] 25s 50c
 [Wicked Arrow] 13s 60c
 [Wild Berries] 5s 95c
 [Wild Quillvine] 12s 75c
 [Wild Thornroot] 8s 50c




All things for sale, my friend! Large and small, whatever you need, Hazzin will provide.

If you value your life, do not approach Manaforge Ultris without a resupply. Hazzin is the last chance that you have.

Gossip Dealer Hazzin, what do you have to offer?

Patch changes

External links