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Crumbled Ridge

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Crumbled Ridge's gormhive.
Crumbled Ridge's village.

The Crumbled Ridge is an area of the celestial tree of Tirna Rowen. It contains both a gorm hive[1] and a village.[2] The village and grove was led by Wildtwister Lewor, who had been denied help by the Wild Hunt in dealing with the gorm infestation, and found a  [Strange Runestone] along the edge of the village that they thought was the answer to their problems.[3] This allowed the Drust to have a foothold in the village, and likely the cause of the Drust invasion of Heartwood Grove next door. Though they hadn't had any wildseeds in some time, they still gathered animacones to help with the gorm.[4]


  • During development, this subzone was divided into the gorm-infested area of Crumbled Ridge, but the northern fallen village was labeled "Fallen Grove".

Patch changes
