Wildtwister Lewor

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MobWildtwister Lewor
Image of Wildtwister Lewor
Gender Male
Race Sylvar (Humanoid)
Level 50-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Crumbled Ridge, Ardenweald
Status Killable

Wildtwister Lewor is the former leader of the ruined grove at the Crumbled Ridge in Ardenweald.[1] When the anima leached from the grove's surroundings and the local gorm began to feed on the land, he worried for his people.[2] He sent messengers to call on the Wild Hunt for help, but no one could spare any troops. Unsure what else he could do, Lewor prayed, hoping the forest would provide a way through their ordeal.[3][4]

Lewor thought his prayers were answered when he stumbled upon a stone, foreign to Ardenweald and radiating a strange power. He was sure he could use it to pacify or even defeat the gorm.[5] Though most of the gorm are now dead, the stone apparently corrupted Lewor, and he went on to corrupt the other elders[6] using strange masks. The Crumbled Ridge now crawls with hostile masked fae—the grove's former villagers, possessed by Drust magic.


  • Artifactability blooddeathknight umbilicuseternus.png Bruising Strike — Inflicts 5 Physical damage upon striking and applies one stack ofBruising[sic] Strike to the target.
  • Spell nature riptide.png Snaring Blast — Snares and inflicts 8 Arcane damage to all enemies in front of the caster.
  • Spell fire twilightflamebolt.png Spirit Bolt — Fire a bolt of deathly energy that inflicts 8 Shadow damage.

Objective of


Submit, child. Submit, and embrace death.
They will not... be stopped.

Patch changes


External links