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Heartwood Grove

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Heartwood Grove.

Heartwood Grove is an area of the celestial tree of Tirna Rowen. When the adventurer arrived, the grove had just been decided to be fully culled, the majority of the seeds stripped of anima and only three allowed to be relocated to Tirna Scithe,[1] and the heart of Tirna Rowen taken to Tirna Vaal to help the survival of the remaining wildseeds.[2][3] However, the Drust attacked before that could happen, and Droman Krelnor fell to the Drust and become possessed.[4][5] Along with Niya, it was the home of Choofa and Te'zan.[6]


  • In the northern edge of Heartwood Grove, there is a giant portal where Soultwister Cero is located, which is the same giant portal in the inaccessible island (that is not part of the Marasmius locations in Into the Unknown) just to the north of Heartwood Grove that is currently unused for any questing.

Patch changes
