Cousin Copperfinder

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NeutralCousin Copperfinder
Image of Cousin Copperfinder
Title <Grummlecakes & Luckydos>
Race Grummle (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Kota Basecamp, Kun-Lai Summit
Status Alive

Cousin Copperfinder is a grummle found at Kota Basecamp in Kun-Lai Summit.


Inv misc food vendor blanchedneedlemushroom.png [Blanched Needle Mushrooms]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor boiledsilkwormpupa.png [Boiled Silkworm Pupa]
2g 40s
Inv misc food vendor needlemushroom.png [Dried Needle Mushrooms]
2g 40s
Inv misc leatherscrap 06.png [Dried Peaches]
2g 40s
Inv drink waterskin 01.png [Fresh Water]
1g 10s
Inv misc food 102 flatbread.png [Frybread]
2g 56s
Inv misc food vendor greenfishbonescurry.png [Green Curry Fish]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor peachpie.png [Peach Pie]
2g 60s
Inv misc food 168 ricecake01.png [Pounded Rice Cake]
2g 40s
Inv misc food vendor redbeanbun.png [Red Bean Bun]
2g 60s
Inv drink 07.png [Refreshing Spring Water]
Inv tradeskillitem 01.png [Simple Wood]
Inv misc skeweredpeanutchicken.png [Skewered Peanut Chicken]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor tangypeachyogurt.png [Tangy Yogurt]
2g 60s
Inv misc bag 29.png [Thick Hide Pack]
Inv misc food vendor toastedfishjerky.png [Toasted Fish Jerky]
2g 40s
Inv misc food vendor yakcheesecurds.png [Yak Cheese Curds]
2g 40s



Find a copper, pick it up, all day long I'll have good luck.

Buy I would like to buy from you.

Patch changes

External links