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Conduit Interruption

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HordeConduit Interruption
Start Shadow Hunter Da'jul
End Shadow Hunter Da'jul
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards  [Small Azerite Fragment] (75 [Azerite])
23g 40s
Previous H [20-60] Power Denied & H [20-60] Projection Destruction
Next H [20-60] Payback's a Lich


Defeat 8 Zardrax Conduits.


Dere be skeletons dat be funnelin' blood magic inta Zardrax's barrow. Me guess be Zardrax created dem ta help gather more power.

Ya gotta kill dese skeletons if ya want any shot at killin' dis lich. He should be gettin' weaker if he not be havin' dem as a source a power.

I be stayin' here in da meantime ta be watchin' our backs, no tellin' if dere be blood trolls comin' ta attack us.


You will receive:




I can be tellin' from here dat Zardrax's power be gettin' weaker. We close ta endin' dis.




  1. H [20-60] Hunting Zardrax
  2. H [20-60] Offer of Power
  3. H [20-60] Power Denied & H [20-60] Projection Destruction
  4. H [20-60] All Hope is Lost, H [20-60] Conduit Interruption & H [20-60] Humbling the Terrors
  5. H [20-60] Payback's a Lich

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