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Hunting Zardrax

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HordeHunting Zardrax
Start Witch Doctor Kejabu
End Shadow Hunter Da'jul
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 1,800
Rewards 2g 20s
Next H [20-60] Offer of Power


Find Shadow Hunter Da'jul in Burial Mound.


<name>, maybe you be helpin' me wit' sometin'.

Talanji said dat Shadow Hunter Da'jul and her retainer, Kal'dran, ran off ta hunt down a lich named Zardrax.

They be goin' off ta a place called Burial Mound. I be worried dey be in over dere heads.

Can ya check ta see if dey be needin' help? We can't be losin' any of our allies in dis place.


You will receive:

  • 2g 20s
  • 1,800 XP


About time... someone... showed up...! Ya gotta get... this lich... away from us!




  1. H [20-60] Hunting Zardrax
  2. H [20-60] Offer of Power
  3. H [20-60] Power Denied & H [20-60] Projection Destruction
  4. H [20-60] All Hope is Lost, H [20-60] Conduit Interruption & H [20-60] Humbling the Terrors
  5. H [20-60] Payback's a Lich

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