Common Consortium of Creative Cartographers
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The Common Consortium of Creative Cartographers (CCCC) creates and maintains a common set of indexes to be used in any localization with the goal of making Map Notes commonly accessible.
Universal Map Zone IDs
Zone IDs follow the format:
ContinentCode underscore ZoneCode
Eastern Kingdoms (CO_EK)
- EK_AM - Alterac Mountains
- EK_AH - Arathi Highlands
- EK_BA - Badlands
- EK_BL - Blasted Lands
- EK_BS - Burning Steppes
- EK_DP - Deadwind Pass
- EK_DM - Dun Morogh
- EK_DW - Duskwood
- EK_EP - Eastern Plaguelands
- EK_EF - Elwynn Forest
- EK_HF - Hillsbrad Foothills
- EK_IF - Ironforge
- EK_LM - Loch Modan
- EK_RM - Redridge Mountains
- EK_SG - Searing Gorge
- EK_SF - Silverpine Forest
- EK_SW - Stormwind City
- EK_SV - Stranglethorn Vale
- EK_SS - Swamp of Sorrows
- EK_HI - The Hinterlands
- EK_TG - Tirisfal Glades
- EK_UC - Undercity
- EK_WP - Western Plaguelands
- EK_WF - Westfall
- EK_WL - Wetlands
Kalimdor (CO_KA)
- KA_AV - Ashenvale
- KA_AZ - Azshara
- KA_DS - Darkshore
- KA_DN - Darnassus
- KA_DE - Desolace
- KA_DU - Durotar
- KA_DM - Dustwallow Marsh
- KA_FW - Felwood
- KA_FE - Feralas
- KA_MG - Moonglade
- KA_MU - Mulgore
- KA_OG - Orgrimmar
- KA_SI - Silithus
- KA_SM - Stonetalon Mountains
- KA_TA - Tanaris
- KA_TE - Teldrassil
- KA_BA - The Barrens
- KA_TN - Thousand Needles
- KA_TB - Thunder Bluff
- KA_UN - Un'Goro Crater
- KA_WS - Winterspring