Children of Ursoc

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AllianceChildren of Ursoc
Start Hierophant Thayreen
End Hierophant Thayreen
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 15700 (or 9g 42s at 80)
Previous A [15-30] The Failed World Tree & A [15-30] A Dark Influence
Next A [15-30] Vordrassil's Sapling & A [15-30] Vordrassil's Seeds


Hierophant Thayreen at Amberpine Lodge wants you to speak to Orsonn at the Rage Fang Shrine and Kodian at the Heart's Blood Shrine.


The furbolgs of Grizzly Hills carry with them a corruption of some kind, that is for sure. Tribal war has broken out amongst them after years of peaceful coexistence.

What remains to be seen is whether the bears they worship as gods have also been tainted.

Ursoc's two children, Orsonn and Kodian, dwell in the Heart's Blood Shrine and the Rage Fang Shrine, south and southeast of Grizzlemaw.

See if they will speak to you regarding what has happened here.


Have you spoken with Orsonn and Kodian yet?


Ursoc's children are wise. Their words explain much of what we've seen so far.


Neutral Orsonn can be found at [48.1, 58.8] in the cave of the Rage Fang Shrine:

I once roamed the Grizzly Hills, son to the great Ursoc, who ruled over this land.
But now... now I'm doomed to spend the rest of my life in this cave.

GossipGossipIcon.png You're free to go Orsonn, but first tell me what's wrong with the furbolg.

You don't understand. If I wanted to I could fight my way out of this cave.
It's my father, Ursoc. He has returned from the dead... but he's not the same.
He gave his life during the War of the Ancients thousands of years ago. For centuries, the furbolg who worshipped him tried to devise a way to resurrect him.
Finally they decided they were to attempt to regrow the failed world tree, Vordrassil, and use its magic to bring back my father.

Gossip What happened then?

The sapling they grew bore a fruit. At first it seemed to work. Ursoc did come back and I was filled with joy for a brief moment.
As he recovered, it was clear that he wasn't the same. Neither were the furbolg.
Whatever evil caused the ancient druids to tear down Vordrassil manifested itself in the new tree and turned them all into monsters filled with bloodlust.
The thing that now walks the Grizzly Hills is not my father and it must be put to rest.

Gossip Thank you, Son of Ursoc. I'll see what can be done.

Neutral Kodian can be found at [66.9, 62.5] in the cave of the Heart's Blood Shrine.

I am Kodian, daughter of Ursoc. I watch over this once sacred shrine.
I've not seen a stranger come here in a long time.

Gossip Who was this stranger?

A furbolg named Tur Ragepaw. Not one of ours.
This one came from the southern lands. He was over the Timbermaw tribe.
He wanted to see Ursoc. He seemed to think that Vordrassil's taint could be purified and used to save my father.
It is foolish to entertain such hopes. You will agree when you see the darkness that has afflicted him like I have.

Gossip Thank you, Kodian. I'll do what I can.


  1. A [15-30] The Failed World Tree & A [15-30] A Dark Influence
  2. A [15-30] A Possible Link & A [15-30] Children of Ursoc
  3. A [15-30] Vordrassil's Sapling & A [15-30] Vordrassil's Seeds
  4. A [15-30G3] Ursoc, the Bear God

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