Vordrassil's Sapling

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AllianceVordrassil's Sapling
Start Hierophant Thayreen
End Hierophant Thayreen
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20950 (or 12g 57s at 80)
Reputation +250 Valiance Expedition
Previous A [15-30] A Possible Link & A [15-30] Children of Ursoc
Next A [15-30G3] Ursoc, the Bear God


Hierophant Thayreen in Amberpine Lodge wants you to take the  [Verdant Torch] and use it to burn Vordrassil's Sapling. Bring Vordrassil's Ashes back to Hierophant Thayreen.


The druids of old seem to have had good reasons for destroying Vordrassil. We cannot let the furbolgs regrow it.

On the other hand, saving Ursoc's spirit hinges on the magic contained by the sapling.

Take this torch and use it to burn the tree. You will find it in the middle of Grizzlemaw, inside Vordrassil's old trunk.

Bring me Vordrassil's ashes. It is my hope that once purified by fire, we may use its magic to cleanse Ursoc's spirit of its dark taint.


The sapling at the center of Grizzlemaw

Have you brought me the ashes, <name>?


Yes! Vordrassil's magic is still present in these ashes. There might be hope for Ursoc yet.


Vordrassil's Sapling is located in the center of the old Vordrassil at [50.8, 42.7]. Be warned that the interior of the tree is a no-mount zone.


  1. A [15-30] The Failed World Tree & A [15-30] A Dark Influence
  2. A [15-30] A Possible Link & A [15-30] Children of Ursoc
  3. A [15-30] Vordrassil's Sapling & A [15-30] Vordrassil's Seeds
  4. A [15-30G3] Ursoc, the Bear God

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