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Ceren Leadland

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NeutralCeren Leadland
No image available
Gender Female
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Hallowfall
Status Alive

Ceren Leadland is an Arathi located in Hallowfall.


  • I am not afraid, the Lamplighters shall protect us.
  • I thought we were dead for sure!
  • Kill the nerubians, they are sending the spiders!
  • Something is moving in the shadows!
  • Thank you, it was getting hard to breath!
  • The fire, it grows dim.
  • The flame is restored!
  • The flame, we must keep it burning!
  • The light is fading... they will come soon!
  • They are coming.
  • Ugh, I have webs in my nose!
  • We need better protection!
  • We should burn the bugs!

Patch changes

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