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Image of Celetiros
Race Blue dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Blue dragonflight
Location Little Scales Daycare, Valdrakken
Status Alive

Celetiros is a blue dragonspawn located at the Little Scales Daycare in Valdrakken.




Could I borrow a moment of your time, <name>?

The whelps have made such amazing progress while under your care, but as they grow they still require flight training. But with adventurers such as yourself popularizing racing, they simply refuse to start with the basics!

As the whelps become ready for it, would you help supervise their flight training through these races? I've found some suitable locations around Azeroth that lend themselves to the whelps' natural abilities, but it would be unsafe to send them out on their own.

Just let me know when you have the time. I'm sure the whelps will love it!

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