Captain Dailcry

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BossCaptain Dailcry
Image of Captain Dailcry
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Captain
Location Priory of the Sacred Flame

Captain Dailcry is a boss in Priory of the Sacred Flame.

Adventure Guide

Captain Dailcry commands the grounds of the Priory of the Sacred Flame. He drills the acolytes in the approved martial disciplines of the empire and ensures that their training and loyalty are of imperial quality.


Captain Dailcry is protected by his Trusted Guards, who gain Strength in Numbers while near each other. Captain Dailcry's loyal mount, Ember, ravages his enemies with Savage Mauling while he rallies his allies with a courageous Battle Cry.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Captain Dailcry is protected by trusted guards who gain Strength in Numbers.
  • Ember attacks a player with Savage Mauling until Captain Dailcry's shield is broken.
  • Hurl Spear inflicts heavy damage to players in the spear's path.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Savage Mauling inflicts heavy damage to the player caught in Ember's clutches.
  • Hurl Spear inflicts heavy damage to players in the spear's path.
  • Pierce Armor inflicts heavy bleed damage to Captain Dailcry's current target.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Captain Dailcry is protected by trusted guards who gain Strength in Numbers.
  • Battle Cry increases damage done by Captain Dailcry and his allies.
  • Pierce Armor inflicts heavy bleed damage to Captain Dailcry's current target.


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Captain Dailcry

    • Inv misc questionmark.png Savage Mauling Important — Captain Dailcry commands Ember to maul a player, immobilizing them and inflicting 123381-329360 Physical damage every 0.5 sec. Captain Dailcry protects Ember while she mauls her target, absorbing the next 150 damage. Breaking Dailcry's protection interrupts the effect.
    • Warrior disruptingshout.png Battle Cry Interruptible — Captain Dailcry unleashes an intimidating Battle Cry inflicting 462677-1235099 Physical damage to all players. Ignores armor. Captain Dailcry's Battle Cry inspires his allies, granting each of them 50 energy and increasing their damage done by 50% for 30 Sec. This effect stacks.
    • Inv spear 01.png Hurl Spear — Captain Dailcry hurls his spear towards a target, penetrating the armor of any players in its path and inflicting 1388031-3705297 Physical damage. Additionally, victims bleed for 185071-494040 Physical damage every 0.5 sec for 8 Sec.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Pierce Armor Tank Alert — Captain Dailcry slashes at his current target, inflicting 1850709-4940396 Physical damage and causing the target to bleed for 185071-494040 Physical damge every 1 sec for 10 Sec. This effect stacks.

The Trusted Guard

    • Ability mage massinvisibility.png Strength in Numbers Important — Captain Dailcry's loyal defenders inflict 0% increased damage for each nearby member of the Trusted Guard.
    • Achievement guildperk everybodysfriend.png Bound by Fate Mythic Difficulty — Captain Dailcry and his Trusted Guard are bound by holy light, causing all four to share health while near each other and increasing their health by 300%.
  • Elaena Emberlanz
      • Ability paladin gaurdedbythelight.png Holy Radiance Healer Alert — Elaena Emberlanz channels the wrath of the light, inflicting 0 Holy damage to all players every 1 sec for 8 Sec.
      • Spell holy righteousfury.png Divine Judgment Tank Alert — Elaena Emberlanz calls down Divine Judgment on her current target, inflicting 925354-2470198 Holy damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 6 Sec.
      • Spell holy prayerofhealing.png Repentance Interruptible — Elaena Emberlanz inflicts 462677-1235099 Holy damage to a target player and incapacitates them for 8 Sec.
  • Sergeant Shaynemail
      • Spell nature earthquake.png Brutal Smash — Sergeant Shaynemail smashes the ground with powerful force, inflicting 3084514-8233993 Physical damage and stunning players with 8 yards for 5 Sec.
      • Inv spear 11.png Lunging Strike — Sergeant Shaynemail leaps at a nearby target, inflicting 0 Physical damage to players within 5 yards of the target and causing victims to bleed for an additional $s2 Physical damage every 3 sec for 18 Sec.
  • Taener Duelmal
      • Spell shadow rainoffire.png Ember Storm — Taener Duelmal calls down burning embers that inflict 0 Fire damage to players within 4 yards of the impact locations.
      • Inv misc volatilefire.png Cinderblast Interruptible — Taener Duelmal launches a devastating Cinderblast at a player, inflicting 493522-1317439 Fire damage. The victim is stunned and suffers 308451-823399 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 Sec.
      • Spell fire flamebolt.png Fireball Interruptible — Taener Duelmal launches a fireball at a target player, inflicting 308451-823399 Fire damage.

Related achievements





    • Signet of the Priory
      • H
      • M
    • Holybound Grips
      • H
      • M
    • Honorbound Retainer's Sash
      • H
      • M
    • Stalwart Guardian's Boots
      • H
      • M
    • Sanctified Priory Wall
      • H
      • M
    • Glorious Defender's Poleaxe
      • H
      • M
    • Flameforged Armguard
      • H
      • M

Patch changes

External links