Call to Arms (3)

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HordeCall to Arms
Start Drum Fel [74, 33]
End Drum Fel [74, 33]
Level 40 (Requires 30)
Category Arathi Highlands
Experience 341-3150 EXP
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+100 Orgrimmar
Wrath-Logo-Small.png+250 Orgrimmar
Horde +22
Rewards  [Silent Hunter]
or  [Skullsplitter]
Previous H [38] Call to Arms

Call to Arms (3) is the final step in the Hammer May Fall quest chain that starts with Tallow in Tarren Mill.


Kill 7 Boulderfist Shaman and 3 Boulderfist Lords and return to Drum Fel in the Hammerfall outpost.


The head of the beast is ready to be taken off... with great force, <name>. You have shown every sign that you are able to help us with this final mighty blow. The leaders of these attacks have made their lair within the ruins of Stromgarde, a glaring symbol of human frailty.

Find and slay those Boulderfist lords and their lackey shaman who would try and drive us from these lands.


You will have a choice of the following:

Inv weapon shortblade 18.png [Silent Hunter] Inv axe 06.png [Skullsplitter]

You will also receive:


I see your courage finally wanes. It seems my instincts were correct about you: your strength is nothing compared to your bravado.

Return to me when the beast's head has been severed, or return never again.


You do your people proud, <name>. The threat has been greatly lessened, and I am sure we will begin to thrive here in the Highlands.


Originally required 15x Boulderfist Shaman and 10x Boulderfist Lords.


Patch changes

External links