Buliwyf Stonehand

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AllianceBuliwyf Stonehand
Image of Buliwyf Stonehand
Title <Weapon Master>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 50 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Location Unknown

Buliwyf Stonehand was a dwarf located at Timberline Arms in the Military Ward in Ironforge.

He used to be a weapon master, and taught the skill to wield the following:



Ye want to be trained in the use of a weapon, do ye? Well don't stand there slack-jawed, speak up <laddie/lassie>!

Trainer I'd like some weapon training.
Gossip What can other weapon masters teach?

What weapon were ye lookin' to learn?
Gossip Bow
Ilyenia Moonfire, the night elf weapon master who resides at the Warrior's Terrace in Darnassus, can show ye how to use a bow.
Gossip Crossbow
My plucky companion Bixi Wobblebonk here can train ye in crossbows. If ye're looking for other trainers, though, ye might want to try Ilyenia Moonfire on the Warrior's Terrace in Darnassus, or maybe the draenei weapon master Handiir, in the Trader's Tier within the Exodar.
Gossip Dagger
Bixi Wobblebonk in this very shop can train ye in daggers. If ye're still looking abroad, anyone else - Woo Ping in Stormwind, Handiir in the Exodar, and Ilyenia Moonfire in Darnassus - can show ye a thing or two. Me, I was never one fer knife fights.
Gossip Polearm
Woo Ping is the master of polearms. He trains his students at Weller's Arsenal in Stormwind.
Gossip Staff
Staves are taught by both Woo Ping, the master found at Weller's Arsenal in Stormwind, and Ilyenia Moonfire, who trains the night elves on the Warrior's Terrace in Darnassus.
Gossip Sword
There are two masters of the sword: Handiir and Woo Ping. The former can be found in the Trader's Tier of the Exodar, and the latter in Weller's Arsenal within Stormwind.
Gossip Thrown
Bixi here can teach ye how to lob throwin' weapons. If Darnassus is more to yer speed, talk to Ilyenia Moonfire on the Warrior's Terrace there.


He was named after a character from the novel Eaters of the Dead, and the corresponding film The 13th Warrior, which in part was inspired by the epic poem Beowulf.

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): With weapon skills removed, Buliwyf Stonehand was no longer needed.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07): Buliwyf Stonehand, the dwarven weapon master in Ironforge, now properly tells you about the weapons that Woo Ping can train you in, instead of talking about himself. He does like going on about his own martial prowess.

External links