Bloodlines, Sweets, and Teerai

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NeutralBloodlines, Sweets, and Teerai
Start Hunter Narman[63.62, 40.46]
End Hunter Narman[63.62, 40.46]
Level 62-65
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 7,500
Reputation +200 Maruuk Centaur
Rewards 26g 21s
Next N [62-65] After My Ohn Heart


Help Hunter Narman earn a traditional blessing for his marriage proposal.


I have hunted with khans, outrun our fastest bakar, and wrestled a full grown bruffalon bull bare-handed. As a hunter, I've nothing left to prove.

However, as a partner, I still have much to learn.

Windsage Dawa of Clan Ohn'ir is my heart and my joy. I wish only to prove worthy of his love, but I know nothing of traditions and rituals. I require the wisdom of the elders in Maruukai.


You will receive:


What if I am not good enough for Dawa's love?


I would sooner ask all the stars of the night sky to admire me back than claim to be wholly worthy of Dawa's love.

Nonetheless, I will find the courage to proceed. When the time comes, will you assist me with a grand proposal?


Speak to Elder Odgerel at the base of the krutal.[60, 37.4]

Gossip <Ask about Narman's proposal.>
A proposal? Nonsense.
Tradition is very clear on this matter. Fetch some sweets for the matchmaker! A nice tart will do.
There are many ceremonies to be done.
Gossip Thank you.

Buy  [Honey Plum Tart] from Hearthkeeper Erden in the Ohn'ir area,[62.19, 35.7] then speak to Matchmaker Osila[55.37, 38.38] at the Field of Ferocity:

Gossip I have brought some sweets for you, matchmaker.
Sweets? Bahaha.
<Osila takes a large bite of the tart.>
Did Odgerel send you? She knows I can't resist a good tart. While tradition does dictate an exchange of offerings between families, true compatibility comes from ancestral guidance.
Fetch some Cirrus flowers and place them before the burial mound. We will consult the bloodline.
Gossip Thank you.
Narman beseeching Saran Khan

Gather 8  [Cirrus Flowers] from the small field area to the east, then interact with the ghost Cirrus Flowers image on the altar at the burial mound halfway up the road to Maruukai. This causes Saran Khan to appear atop the mound while Narman, Odgerel, and Osila run up to the altar.

Saran Khan says: Who dares to awaken Saran Khan?
Elder Odgerel says: Pardon, great Khan. We beseech your blessing in betrothal.
Matchmaker Osila says: Go on, then. Ask.
Hunter Narman says: Great Khan! I come before you for your blessing in seeking the hand of your grandson.
Hunter Narman says: I am among the mightiest of Shikaar hunters of the current day. I can hit the eye of a bruffalon from 60 paces. I am faster than--
Saran Khan says: Enough! I care not for your accomplishments. Is your love true?
Hunter Narman says: It is.
Saran Khan says: Then you have my blessing. Stay true as you claim your arrow to be, hunter.
Saran's spirit runs off and disappears.
Elder Odgerel says: Love? This is far from traditional.
Narman runs back to Maruukai, followed by Odgerel, while Osila walks back to the Field of Ferocity.


  1. N [62-65] Bloodlines, Sweets, and Teerai and N [62-65] Shikaar Giver
  2. N [62-65] After My Ohn Heart


  • In the Russian version of the game quest plotline was rewritten from a same-sex proposal to a sworn brotherhood proposal due to legal circumstances (to avoid a possible ban for homosexual propaganda among minority).

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