Blackwater Deckhand

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NeutralBlackwater Deckhand
Image of Blackwater Deckhand
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 38 - 39
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Booty Bay, Blackwater Raiders
Location Faldir's Cove, Arathi Highlands

The Blackwater Deckhands are pirates of the Blackwater Raiders found in Faldir's Cove in the Arathi Highlands. There were six Blackwater Deckhands in the cove.


Reputation (Bloodsail Buccaneers): 5 reputation per kill

Note that killing this mob will also make you lose 25 Reputation with Booty Bay, and 12.5 Reputation with the other three Steamwheedle Cartel factions.

Respawn rate when killed

If you kill a Blackwater Deckhand while your reputation with Booty Bay is unfriendly or higher, it will respawn almost instantly.

However, if any player (including yourself) has a Booty Bay reputation of hostile or hated, and is standing less than 40 yards from the Blackwater Deckhand's respawn point, the Blackwater Deckhand will take much longer to respawn.

Objective of

Objective: Protect Shakes O'Breen during the attack.

During the above quest, the Blackwater Deckhands will aid in protecting Shakes O'Breen.

Patch changes

External links

es:Marinero de cubierta Aguasnegras