Bimble Longberry

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AllianceBimble Longberry
Image of Bimble Longberry
Title <Fruit Vendor>
Gender Female
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 1-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gnomeregan
Location Mystic Ward, Ironforge
Status Alive

Bimble Longberry is a wandering gnome fruit vendor located in the Mystic Ward in Ironforge.

Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Bimble is present at the Gala of Gifts by the Stormwind Gate in Elwynn Forest during Love is in the Air.


Item Cost
5x  [Shiny Red Apple] 20c
5x  [Tel'Abim Banana] 1s 25c
5x  [Snapvine Watermelon] 5s
5x  [Goldenbark Apple] 10s
5x  [Moon Harvest Pumpkin] 20s
5x  [Deep Fried Plantains] 40s
5x  [Skethyl Berries] 56s
5x  [Tundra Berries] 85s
5x  [Savory Snowplum] 1g 60s
5x  [Sour Green Apple] 1g 80s
5x  [Highland Pomegranate] 2g
5x  [Red Raspberry] 2g 24s
5x  [Plump Fig] 2g 56s


  • Juicy fruits for sale!
  • Sink your teeth into a fresh, ripe apple.
  • Straight from the lush forests of Elwynn, get your fresh fruit right here.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She is likely somehow related to Ginny Longberry.

External links

Ironforge Elwynn Forest