Bil Sparktonic

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AllianceBil Sparktonic
Image of Bil Sparktonic
Title <Enchanting Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 100
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gnomeregan
Location Stormshield

Bil Sparktonic can be found with his Dwarven golem Bob behind the Auction House in Stormshield.



Looking for a way to impress your friends? Maybe catch the eye of a lass you bumped into at the inn? Well, you're in luck, my friend. Feast your eyes on Bil Sparktronic's fantastical incantations!

For a low, low price, you too can enchant the world and make it glow!

My assistant, Bob, can also help you with recipes for the latest and greatest enchantments from Draenor!

Trainer Train me in Enchanting.

Patch changes

External links