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Beastmaster's Hunt: The Tiger

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AllianceBeastmaster's Hunt: The Tiger
Start  [Sturdy Tiger Trap]
End Mound of Dirt
Level 15-35
Type Daily
Category Landfall
Experience 13,700
Rewards 2x [Lesser Charm of Good Fortune]
11g 40s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-35 Daily] Beastmaster's Hunt: The Tiger.


Obtain 25 Unbruised Yak Haunches.


Along with the trap, you get some advice on tiger hunting:

Tigers are gluttons, and big game is hard to come by in this jungle. If you want to tempt the elder cats out of their hiding places, you need a tempting meal.

Just on the other side of the Serpent's Spine, you can find a herd of yaks. Kill them, bring their meat to the jungle's edge, set up your trap, and wait.


You will receive:

  • 11g 40s
  • 13,700 XP
Inv misc coin 18.png 2x [Lesser Charm of Good Fortune]


This looks like an ideal spot for a tiger trap.


You lay the meat out atop the trap, then turn your eyes toward the jungle...

Patch changes

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