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Beastmaster's Hunt: The Tiger (Horde)

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HordeBeastmaster's Hunt: The Tiger
Start  [Sturdy Tiger Trap]
End Mound of Dirt
Level 15-35
Type Daily
Category Landfall
Experience 13,700
Rewards 2x [Lesser Charm of Good Fortune]
11g 40s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-35 Daily] Beastmaster's Hunt: The Tiger.


Obtain 25 Unbruised Yak Haunches.


Along with the trap, you get some advice on tiger hunting:

Tigers are gluttonous creatures, and large game is hard to come by in this jungle. If you wish to tempt the most elder cats out of their hiding places, you may do so with a meal.

Just on the other side of the Serpent's Spine, you will find a herd of yaks. Slay them, bring their meat to the jungle's edge, set up your trap, and wait.


You will receive:

  • 11g 40s
  • 13,700 XP
Inv misc coin 18.png [Lesser Charm of Good Fortune]


This looks like an ideal spot for a tiger trap.


You lay the meat out atop the trap, then turn your eyes toward the jungle...

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