Bartering Cave

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Bartering Cave.

The Bartering Cave is located at Spiritwatch Point in Highmountain. It is the exit to Neltharion's Lair; leaving the dungeon from the Dragon's Spine leads here. A group of drogbar seemingly tried to escape this way, only to be stopped by a group of Highmountain Protectors. A pair are cornered, while the other followers of Dargrul lay scattered dead throughout the cave.

During the course of the third invasion, Ohn'ahra was being held captive by Degar Bloodtotem. Apata Highmountain and a hunter adventurer arrived here, only for Apata being captured as well. The adventurer fought their way back to Spiritwatch and into the cave and defeated Degar, freeing Apata and Ohn'ahra.[1]

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