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Image of B'wizati
Title <Sunfruit Vendor>
Gender Female
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 110 - 120
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Zandalari Empire
Location Zocalo, Dazar'alor
Status Alive

B'wizati is a Zandalari troll fruit vendor located in the Zocalo in Dazar'alor.

She apparently has some relation to Jorak, a troll who was exiled to Vol'dun for an unknown crime. After Jorak decides to rid himself of his painful memories and take up living at the Temple of Akunda, he sends adventurers to deliver a message to B'wizati. Upon receiving the message, B'wizati becomes tearful and states that while Jorak may choose to forget, she chooses to remember, regardless of any pain it causes her.[1]

When the traitorous prophet Zul and Mythrax attacked the city, B'wizati was cornered by the invading sethrak. She was rescued by the Speaker of the Horde and joined the fight alongside Princess Talanji.[2] During Talanji's coronation, she was cowering in fear while Nokano defended her from a Rioting Zocalo Drudge.


Inv misc food 41.png [Jungle Sunfruit]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 41.png [Tropical Sunfruit]
1g 60s


Patch changes


  1. ^ H [30-60] Fond Farewells
  2. ^ H [30-60] Zandalar Forever!

External links