Azerite Madness (Silithus)

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For the Battle for Azeroth world quests, see N [50WQ] Azerite Madness.
NeutralAzerite Madness
Start Magni Bronzebeard
End Magni Bronzebeard
Level 120 (Requires 120)
Category Silithus: The Wound
Experience 17,850
Rewards Magni World Quests
23g 40s
Previous N [120] Healing Azeroth


Absorb Azerite from defeated Azerite Infused Elementals.

  • Absorb Azerite from defeated elementals


There be a group of earth elementals nearby that be goin' crazy due te havin' Azerite infused onto 'em.

We cannot allow this Azerite to spread to any more elementals. We need te put 'em down.

Go and fight these Azerite infused elementals nearby. When they be down, use yer amulet to absorb their lingerin' Azerite.

It be a shame te do this, but we're fightin' these things in order te save the planet.


You will learn: Magni World Quests

You will also receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


Good work, but ye still got a long way te go. The Heart of Azeroth needs more power before it can heal the damage done te the planet.

Keep yer eye out fer any more problems stemmin' from Azerite, and I'll let ye know If I be hearin' anything else from Azeroth.


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