Healing Azeroth

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NeutralHealing Azeroth
Start Magni Bronzebeard
End Magni Bronzebeard
Level 120 (Requires 120)
Category Silithus: The Wound
Rewards 2g 34s
Next N [120] Azerite Madness


Confer with Magni on how to heal Azeroth.


The problems within Azeroth only be gettin' worse since you and I last spoke.

There are groups that be actively abusin' the planet's blood for their own gain. Have ye seen much of them in yer travels?

There be a way for us to stop it, and it rests within that amulet of yers.

Are ye ready te learn how te save the world?


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s




We can only be healin' Azeroth if ye be makin' the Heart of Azeroth stronger.

Any Azerite ye can find will make the heart stronger. It be appearin' more and more throughout the entire world... and usually around places where somethin's is going wrong.

There be somethin' just like that nearby!


Speaking with Magni

Gossip Magni, tell me what we can do to heal Azeroth.

Magni Bronzebeard says: The heart of Azeroth is the key tae healin' our world... but ye'll need tae gather more power if we're tae have any chance of succeedin'.
Magni Bronzebeard says: Wounds are openin' across the face o' Azeroth... and more forces are seekin' tae claim the Azerite for their own ends.
Magni Bronzebeard says: Ye need tae stop them... and absorb that Azerite tae empower the heart!

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