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Image of Durang
Title Assistant Innkeeper,
Sous Chef,
<Food & Drink>
Gender Male
Race Black drakonid (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valdrakken Accord, Black dragonflight
Location Gelikyr Post, Thaldraszus; Temporal Conflux, Primalist Future
Status Alive

Assistant Innkeeper Durang is a black drakonid located in the inn at Gelikyr Post in Thaldraszus. He appears as Sous Chef Durang in the Temporal Conflux in the Primalist Future.


Gelikyr Post
Temporal Conflux
Inv misc food 68.png 5x [Critter Kebab]
3g 75s
Inv drink 28 gilneanfortifiedbrandy.png 5x [Spoiled Firewine]
2g 50s


On approach (initial)
Is Waywatcher Nori still sulking out front?
That one is always worrying over her sister. Takes a lot for siblings to see wing to wing when they work together, I suppose.
On approach (after N [10-70] The Wayward Waywatcher questline)
Assistant Innkeeper Durang says: Greetings. Feel free to grab a chair and take a load off.
Assistant Innkeeper Durang says: Just no talking about primalists or rebels or harpies or time travel or pretty much anything that will put me in a mood.
Bivogosa says: Now, now, Durang. What did we talk about?
Assistant Innkeeper Durang says: Right... And thanks for your patronage.
Primalist Future gossip

Nobody appreciated my fine cooking before, but now all I have to work with are rats and the occasional spoiled food we find out here in the cold.

How am I supposed to give these soldiers a good meal when I have such garbage to work with!

Buy What're you selling?

Patch changes

External links

Assistant Innkeeper Sous Chef