Argus Highbeacon

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NeutralArgus Highbeacon
Image of Argus Highbeacon
Title <The Argent Crusade>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Argent Crusade
Location Crown Guard Tower, Light's Shield Tower, Eastwall Tower, Northpass Tower, Light's Hope Chapel; Fiona's Caravan, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Alive
Relative(s) Talren (son)[1]

Argus Highbeacon is a member of the Argent Crusade.

He has been helping maintain the five towers in the Eastern Plaguelands for many years but the trek has become harder for him to make due to becoming older over the years. When Fiona's Caravan come to Crown Guard Tower, Argus joins up to make his travels a bit easier. He takes part in the battle to free Gidwin Goldbraids after which he asks the player to take package Argent Apothecary Judkins at Plaguewood Tower, while he goes to Light's Hope Chapel with the rest of the Caravan.

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

He accompanies Talren, Fiona, and her caravan into Shadowmoon Valley on Draenor. While in the Blademoon Bloom, he is trapped by the botani but soon rescued by the Alliance adventurer.


Objective of


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Item Cost
 [Mining Pick] 1s 23c
Blacksmithing items
 [Blacksmith Hammer] 18c
 [Luminous Flux] 5g
 [Weak Flux] 1s
 [Strong Flux] 20s
 [Durable Flux] 30s
 [Elemental Flux] 3g
 [Coal] 5s



It's good to have traveling companions. The road gets lonely out here.

Buy Could you repair my gear, Argus?

Main article: Traveling Companions#Notes
Main article: The Trek Continues#Notes

Patch changes


External links