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Apprentice Beruun

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AllianceApprentice Beruun
Image of Apprentice Beruun
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 50-70
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Exodar
Occupation Artificer
Location Aldor Rise, Shattrath City; Trader's Tier, Exodar
Status Alive
Relative(s) Deceased parents
Mentor(s) High Artificer Ataanya (mentor)
Companion(s) Azeek

Apprentice Beruun is a draenei artificer located in Aldor Rise in Shattrath City prior to the Tishamaat. Azeek is running around him or is perched atop his shoulder. He is High Artificer Ataanya's student.

During the Tishamaat, he can be seen speaking to Netherweaver Jiraan and Assistant Artificer in the Trader's Tier in the Exodar.




During A [50-70] Pressing Deadlines

Oh, hello! Do you want to hear about my project? I am researching warp stalkers!

They can warp into other dimensions to hide themselves, but it destabilizes the space around them. A lot of our inventions have the same problem.

But I'm working on a device that can fix that! If it works, maybe we can improve our own technology and keep our cities safer.

Ataanya's been helping a lot with the circuitry. She must think it has promise!

After Pressing Deadlines

It's true that Ataanya is very busy, so maybe she's just drowning in work more than usual.

At least, I hope that's the problem...

<Beruum beams proudly.>

During A [50-70] An Old Wound

I know Ataanya has been helping the Auchenai rebuild, so hopefully they are willing to help.

Gossip What else do you know about her father?

Hataaru was the Grand Artificer before Romuul, which means he was the leader of all other artificers.

He created the plans for Shattrath and oversaw its construction, as well as Karabor and all the other great temples.

He was amazing! I have all of his lectures on my hologem--well, all of the ones that survived, at least.
During A [50-70] To See Clearly

I hope this works..

During A [50-70] Moving Past

Thank you, <name>. I thought she was going to throw something at you, but that went a lot better than expected!

I'm really happy you could help Ataanya. My parents died when my hooves were still soft, and Ataanya has been the closest thing to family I've ever really had.

Anyway, I'll clean up here and then I'll see you at the Tishamaat!

In the Exodar

Thank you again for helping Ataanya, <name>.

She might still look angry, but I can tell she's enjoying herself a little bit.

And I get to tell all of the other artificers here about my research!





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