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Image of Anub'ata
Gender Male
Race Nerubian spiderlord (Humanoid)
Level 80 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azj-Kahet
Occupation Lieutenant
Location Sanguine Grasps, Hallowfall
Status Killable

Anub'ata is a nerubian spiderlord located in Sanguine Grasps in the Hallowfall. As a lieutenant, he was giving orders to his nerubian soldiers on the battlefield, so he was targeted by the defending forces. He was defeated by Danath Trollbane and adventurers.


  • Spell nature earthquake.png Impale — The caster slams down with massive claws, tearing a line of spikes up through the earth in front of themselves. Inflicts 30 Physical damage to all players hit.
  • Inv hammer 31.png Wallop — Slams into the ground, knocking back nearby units. Inflicts 20 Physical damage.

Objective of

Patch changes

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