Ancient Plainstomper

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MobAncient Plainstomper
Image of Ancient Plainstomper
Race Rhino (Beast)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ohn'ahran Plains
Status Killable
Pet family Clefthoof

Ancient Plainstompers are rhinos located in the Ohn'ahran Plains. They are often followed by Horned Plainstompers.


  • Inv misc foot kodo.png Charge — Charges an enemy, inflicting normal damage plus a bonus.
  • Ability druid challangingroar.png Deafening Roar — Deals 12 physical damage and silences enemies for 3 sec.
  • Ability gouge.png Gore — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy every 2 sec for 10 sec.

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