An Occupation of Time

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AllianceAn Occupation of Time
Start Levia Dreamwaker
End Levia Dreamwaker
Level 30-35
Category Shimmering Expanse
Experience 27700
Rewards  [Time-Clearing Bracers] or  [Legguards of Revelation] or  [Improvisational Historian's Cloak]
7g 80s
Previous A [30-35] Bellies Await, A [30-35] Cold Welcome
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [30-35] An Occupation of Time.


Investigate the 4 intact statues in the Quel'Dormir Gardens.

  • Lestharia Vashj statue
  • Queen Azshara statue
  • Ranger Valarian statue
  • High Priestess Siralen statue


Look--<name> is it?--I need your help. I know most everyone in this cave thinks that we're not in a position to be worrying about anything but our own hides right now, but I cannot dismiss my ancestors so readily.

This was one of the royal cities of the elves in the days when Azshara was queen. In this city lie the keys to lore long lost and artifacts of unimaginable historic value. All I want from you, while you're out in the city proper, is to keep a watchful eye out for objects of significance.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv bracer cloth cataclysm b 01.png [Time-Clearing Bracers] Inv pants mail 41.png [Legguards of Revelation]
Inv misc cape cataclysm tank b 01.png [Improvisational Historian's Cloak]

You will also receive: 7g 80s


Let's keep the Admiral out of this, shall we? That man has only vengeance on his mind, and his eyes are locked forward. The past is meaningless to him.


Thank you so much for taking this seriously.

This is some of the first definitive proof of other members of the Vashj family. Very interesting. And I'd never even heard of either of the other two figures you mentioned until now.

So much of our history was lost during the sundering - it's exciting to have a chance at reclaiming some of it.


Pick up Swift Approach, Caught Off-Guard and A Better Vantage before heading out.

  • Lestharia Vashj: This monument stands testament to the benevolent leadership of our beloved Matron Lestharia Vashj. For a hundred years, she has ushered the people of her gleaming city, Vashj'ir, into an age of endless prosperity. May she and her daughter, the radiant Lady Vashj, continue to light the way of our people in our darkest nights for a hundred years to come.
  • Queen Azshara: Let this effigy stand in testament to our unending devotion to our venerable Queen Azshara.
  • High Priestess Siralen: Let this statue stand as an everlasting testament to High Priestess Siralen in the name of all she has done to nurture Quel'Dormir Temple into a glowing beacon of faith. May her newfound service under Queen Azshara herself shine as a testament to the potential of the noble birth nurtured in our beloved, Vashj'ir.
  • High Ranger Valarian: In memory of the hallowed hero of Vashj'ir, the High Ranger Valarian. By his life, he granted us beauty and tranquility to the streets of our exquisite city. By his death, he banished our fears and created long lasting peace for our people. May his sacrifice never be forgotten.


  1. Getting settled:
  2. B [30-35] Swift Approach / B [30-35] Caught Off-Guard / B [30-35] A Better Vantage
  3. B [30-35] The Call of the Blade (optional)
  4. B [30-35] Upon the Scene of Battle
  5. B [30-35] Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir
    1. N [30-35] Reoccupation
    2. N [30-35] The Revered Lady
    3. N [30-35] To the Fathom-Lord's Call / N [30-35] Built to Last
    4. N [30-35] Not Soon Forgotten

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